just another day in the office [#blogjune post #16]

Post #16 – where a sort of stream of consciousness occurs

You know, that feeling when you need to do something and don’t know where to start… What can I write today that will entertain my dear readers – something worth visiting this blog for.

The day started well enough – cold & wet! No meetings either, but then people start turning up and it starts to get noisy and you get interrupted and – the best laid plans… You know how it goes. What will I write about for #blogjune? Coffee to the rescue out of the office for a moment to catch up with colleagues quickly while off to the café & back. Then some emails before playing around with a spreadsheet to help with getting ready for Semester 2. But hang on, need to check the twitters and the yammers to see what’s happening. Oh, and some #crowdfunding projects that I’m involved with are getting close to closing, and oh so close to getting funded… Oh, and friends are in New Oleans – wonder if they’ve watched Tremé? Oh, and there’s a half season 4 to look out for, nice. But, then there’s work to do and and I need a cup of tea and by lunchtime I need some fresh air so it’s out for a quick walk before tackling the afternoon. Can I attend that meeting on Friday? Wonder what’s going to happen in the final episode of G.o.T tonight. When’s the best time to organise that demo? What will I write about for #blogjune? Don’t forget to upload the agenda and papers for that meeting. etc. etc. 

Lots of busy work and things going on in my head – sometimes I’d rather mow grass – more time to think. What about you?


Sculpture on the beach

Word of the Day is ‘gallinipper’ – keep them away from me!


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