the weekend is time to relax

Post #7 – where a change in focus takes place

I think I may have got a bit serious in yesterday’s post, so have decided to chill a little and behave like it’s the weekend. You know, that time when you get up a little later, newspapers and coffee after breakfast and a slow morning – lovely. Love my coffee with some (dark) chocolate or apple crumble & cream, and enjoy dipping in & out of the paper – checking a few favourites like Leunig, the ‘Get it’, the Travel & Drive sections, the magazines etc. (yes, still get the print version on the weekends). Then it might on to the chores or out for an excursion. 

For something different after lunch we went to the community centre and participated in a paper lantern making activity. Lots of mums & children and a good number of facilitators to help guide us in putting our bamboo frames together with masking tape, and then coat them with paper that had been painted with pva glue & water mix. We even had a break and some afternoon tea half way through the construction (a great idea as it gave the kids a break and the parents could get on and have a chat). 

What was interesting for me is what can happen when you engage in conversation. You find out that it’s a small world – had friends in common with one person, find out that you work in the same place with another and then realise that you all know a close relative mine! Very interesting to think about those degrees of separation and how sometimes the first one or two can take you completely by surprise. So, new connections were made and commitments were made to say hi to friends in common. Excellent!


Don’t you just love the tulip season?

Our Word of the Day is: ‘crapulous’… 

PS – I was relieved and happy that the Cats got up last night


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