Archive for the ‘learning’ Category

how do we zoom out enough to see the big picture?

Saturday, August 21st, 2010

This week’s been an interesting one in which I’ve been challenged to think more deeply about what might be possible with regard to improving curriculum design during the implementation of an LMS. I believe there is an opportunity to have academics think about their teaching (how they might achieve better learning outcomes & improve student engagement) during the time of transition and preparing/revising their materials in the migration process between two systems. In response to a tweet I posted regarding the possibilities of change afforded by new tools in our new LMS, Dean Groom tweeted to remind me that the tools won’t change a teachers perspective. I appreciate this, but I don’t want to explore what opportunities there might be to make incremental change (if only small) in the way academics teach.

At one level the implementation of a new LMS is fraught with risks – it’s a process that needs to be planned and managed so that there is a smooth transition and teachers and students can get on with their teaching and learning. So, should we be happy to accept this model of ‘let’s just get the course material migrated, the staff and students trained, and it’ll be business as normal’? I’d like to think not, but there a number of institutional pressures to have things working properly – and we’ve become risk adverse as we don’t want to distress our clients (students) and staff with a poorly implemented system. So, I understand we may want to work on an implementation process that provides a robust and working system and then focus on what we can do improve learning and teaching.

On an another level there is an opportunity to work with, and encourage staff to re-think their curriculum in light of the affordances of the new tools available in the new LMS. I see a challenge in helping academics come to understand the potential of different ways of designing learning activities & experiences to achieve outcomes using the functionality of the LMS. Maybe there’s a need to be subversive in all this – change won’t happen en mass – it requires a slowly slowly approach understanding that academics are time poor and looking for efficiencies. There also needs to be an understanding that this will involve some cultural change if new modes and models of teaching and learning are used. The level of resourcing required to develop a framework (and hopefully policy) as well as materials for professional development to support systemic change, will need addressing. It is only by stepping back, and zooming out to see the bigger picture, that we might be able to better understand the context and demands of university education. This includes; teaching, research, service, having work ready and beginning professionals as graduates, and as well as other things, achieving government and institution priorities. I hope that there is some institutional recognition of this and that appropriate resource might be directed to supporting not just an implementation but ongoing curriculum renewal.

So, my mission (that I wish to accept), is to support the introduction of a range of new tools available via the LMS that are intrinsic to holistic learning processes. This will lead to the development of better learning experiences while encouraging teachers to think about how they could adjust/ their curriculum design to develop higher order thinking and engage students more fully.

administration and instructor training – learning a new LMS

Friday, August 13th, 2010

This week I’ve been to training sessions to learn how Desire2Learn (our new LMS from next year) functions. It’s been week of adaptation and my brain hurts. I’ve had to restructure and adapt my mental models I have of how our old LMS (Blackboard Vista – formerly WebCT) worked – to a new one. While much functionality is similar, the way you do things is different. I suppose most of this is about how to system works rather than using the system for teaching. I have found it useful that we have been presented with examples of how particular tools and functions can help to develop learning activities.

While I’m learning new ways to build courses, create discussions & quizzes etc., I’m wary of mapping old work practices onto new ones – I’d rather start again from scratch and ask the question, “What do you want your students to do?” The new system provides new choices – not just in how to configure roles and permissions but also in look & feel and tools to use. I’ve come to understand that there’s a lot of work to be done, particularly to do with course building and learning design.

I suppose we’re initially focused in getting it as nearly right as possible so that we can migrate and get all the courses, staff & student into the system so that learning & teaching can begin when we roll out next year.

There may be some compromises in the first instance, so that the mainstream are operational, but from then on we’ll have to tweak things as we come to understand the possibilities and respond to issues and requests. The system will allow for these adjustments and I’m looking forward to being able to fine tune things once we’re underway.

it about how you use the (web 2.0) tool, not the tool itself

Friday, July 30th, 2010

This week I was fortunate to be able to attend a seminar presentation by Associate Professor Matthew Allen, called “Using Web 2.0 in Your Teaching”. Matthew is a Teaching Fellow of the Australian Learning and Teaching Council and is the leader of the ‘Learning in Networks of Knowledge‘ (LINK) project.

Matthew emphasised that Web 2.0 is about connection and stressed that when thinking about Web 2.0 we need to take into consideration the 4Cs.

    • Components: what feeds into the knowledge work system
    • Cognition and Collaboration: thinking and working together forms the processing system
    • Communication: the results of processing become public and the basis of audience reception and conversation

      Matthew presented us with his top 10 Web 2.0 tools and gave us some great ways to use them for learning & teaching. It was useful to be reminded that it’s not about the tool, it’s about what you can do with the tool. Here’s his list – I was surprised that I was only familiar with only two of them. They may not all be mainstream, but they could add value to the learning activities/ experiences you develop.

      1. xtimeline – xtimeline enables users to create timelines of events, in a constrained but flexible format, with collaboration features, and public communication options
      2. listphile – “a powerful tool for organizing and collaborating around structured information. Call it a database tool, if you will (but please don’t scare anyone away)” [**I couldn’t access this link today, but will check again later]
      3. slinkset – slinkset creates social news sites, private, shared or public like digg, with extensive yet simple to use design features
      4. posterous – posterous is a powerful yet simple blogging engine with a particular emphasis on ease of posting: do it by email
      5. mind42 – Mind mapping is … about entering ideas, arranging them … and refining and deepening ideas with colors, links and other attributes”
      6. quizlet – quizlet is a flashcard production and use system, with inbuilt group and collaboration features and innovative ways of testing knowledge
      7. reviewbasics – reviewbasics is a web-based service allowing users to work together to review documents, websites images with an emphasis on annotation
      8. springnote – “wiki, word processing, and file organization [and] … sharing, having collaborators… to organize all the information you need at your fingertips”
      9. – knol is Google’s answer to Wikipedia: editable, classified user-generated content based on the idea of a ‘knol’ (a unit of knowledge)
      10. wiggio – comprehensive group collaboration tool: calendars, to do, sharing, online meeting and polling … people work as teams, not a group of individuals

      You can also access the presentations on each of the tools on Slideshare, and a video recording of Matthew’s presentation capturing his discussion on each of the tools. You can follow Matthew on Twitter and read more of his work on his website (look for ‘writing’ tab).

      you can’t take enough care, even when changing little things…

      Monday, April 19th, 2010

      I’ve recently noted again how some people react to adversely to (even very small) change. We had a minor change at work that caused users to authenticate twice to get to the LMS. Not a good idea.

      After some feedback, the change was adjusted quickly so that only one login was required, but more than enough people sent round emails giving their two cents worth with regard to how inconsiderate people were in making the change without consulting, and that they wanted things reverted to how they were previously.

      I found that explanations for the change weren’t readily accepted and that some people seemed to make comments just to make a comment, or get on the band wagon. There was no engagement with explanations, suggested work arounds, or an acknowledgement that the change may actually be useful – just some reactive, ill considered spaying that impressed no one. Who knows, maybe it’s a symptom of the busy, stressed workplace and taking any opportunity to have a go at someone (usually in leadership or a decision maker) else. What a waste of energy.

      Anyway, the take-home for me? Have a think about the level of change you are implementing, and whether any communication is required at all – and if so, keep it brief and highlight the positive effects of the change. Then sit back and keep your head down till the noise goes away & the dust settles.

      what’s all the fuss about, to iBuy or not to iBuy and iPad?

      Thursday, April 15th, 2010

      The iPad has arrived to much attention, hype, & otherwise. Those of us outside the US will have to wait a little longer for the device, but I’m good with that (& maybe some minor bugs ironed out before we get our hands on one).

      Apple have done it again and managed to raise a good amount of media coverage with the introduction of this new device. I’ve been reading so much about the iPad, I thought I’d add my own reflections to the mix. The reviews have been mixed as to whether the device is useful, how it might be used, the market position of Apple controlling apps & content, and if it meets with market/industry expectations. I suppose much of this is useful in helping inform someone thinking about purchasing the device, and arguing whether it might be useful in education or business use. What I find a little distracting in all the wordplay is that people seem to either love it or hate it. If you don’t want one or aren’t interested, that’s OK – you might even design your own alternative device. If you want one, it doesn’t help to fawn at the feet of the manufacturer – we need to keep them on their toes and provide feedback on shortcomings.

      I see the iPad as a device designed to do a number of things, but generally see it to be a platform for consuming content. It’s a lot about the functionality and interface (see James Clay’s post) and it doesn’t pretend to be something it isn’t. I think that it will prove to be well designed and provide a great experience when using it. It will be much better to use that the iPod Touch and provide extra functionality. From an education perspective, I recognise that the iPad could provide some leverage in providing a platform for study, game-play, accessing content, and limited interaction.

      I think there remains the question the ability of the device to support collaboration & content creation.In the end time will tell, and who knows – there might even ‘be an app for that’. But whatever they’ll cost, and whenever they become available, I’m sure I’ll be there to iBuy an iPad.

      ascilite09 conference reflections #4 – Day Three

      Thursday, December 10th, 2009

      Wednesday already & the final day of ascilite09. Another gorgeous morning in Auckland (the weather has been perfect), and some people slow to turn up for proceedings after the dinner/dance last night.

      We began with short plenary session where Matthew Riddle reported on his Blackboard research grant where he asked student to record their ‘day experience’ using mobile technology. Some interesting initial findings that students spend a lot of time at home, and when on campus would like better access to the internet and to powerpoints for laptops in meeting places – particularly after hours. (watch this space)

      I then attended a session on eportfolios that explored the benefits & value of the use of a space where students can be reflective learners, collect artifacts, demonstrate acquisition of graduate attributes and professional competencies, complete assessable tasks and developing showcases or representations of their learning to particular contexts. We were challenged to think about the questions that could be asked of staff & students before going ahead with an eportfolio implementation plan. I understand that there needs to be some clear articulation of purpose and context when talking about eportfolios so that people understand how they are to used in a particular way in a particular place/space.

      I went to the symposium, ‘Thinking about a new LMS: Comparing different institutional models and approaches’ where we heard representatives from four institutions discuss their evaluation and implementation of a new LMS – all of them went for Moodle. All very interesting as the university where I work has just about completed the evaluation process and about to decide on a new LMS platform. What was useful, was hearing about the planning and implementation phase of these projects and the lessons learned. Lots of great do’s & don’ts and tips & tricks for getting the best outcome for an implementation. There were no papers or presentations available for this session but each institution took a different approach to evaluation and implementation – one complete institution-wide with all courses converted, and another staged implementation with staff having to rebuild their units. Main take-home points for me: communication is key, get buy-in from academic staff, have some departmental champions, have a committed executive sponsor, ensure everyone knows where they are heading, and communicate (in as many ways as possible). You might be interested in Mark Smithers’ blog post Public LMS Evaluations, where he has compiled a list of publicly available LMS reviews.

      After another delicious lunch, James Clay gave the final keynote and asked us all to think about what the ‘mobile’ means in mobile learning. He outlined the advantages & disadvantages of (mobile) technology and wondered how well education is coping with the changes in work, culture, & society. It was an engaging presentation that asked lots of questions and challenged us to think about how we respond to this change and what we might do to prepare our students for the future. It was great to see James have the Twitter backchannel displayed during his talk. He used keynotetweet to have tweets from his Keynote slides posted to the #ascilite09 hashtag so that those not present, could follow his slide points in Twitter. Nice!

      You can access the archive of tweets with the #ascilite09 hashtag at Twapper Keeper, and you can also access the programme and papers of the conference online.

      The handover to ascilite 2010 was made and the host for next year is University of technology Sydney. Hopefully see you there!