learning through our stomachs

Post #11 – where hunger is satiated through learning

After taking the photo of a plant (below – not sure what it is), I got to thinking about the last time I really enjoyed a learning experience. Was it that good that I wanted to stuff my face in it and gorge on the content? I’d love to have a learning activity that I could describe as succulent. It should be fat and juicy, delicious, and all that I would want/need. It would become a priority, my goal, my desire. I would like to to feel the need to learn, to have a goal, to be engaged. It would be OK if things got a little messy and needed fixing up. Mistakes would be OK and worth the effort to correct. The outcome of this learning would wonderful and very satisfying – we’d never forget it…

The food analogy leads me to wonder about the perfect recipe for the learning experience. This could be adjusted depending on dietary requirements and taste. We’d need the appropriate ingredients in differing quantities (relevant, interesting, question, challenge, purpose, engaging, participation), the corrects tools, a suitable environment and context, peers to work with (but not alway necessary), space/time, some guidance, and an intended outcome…  

When was the last time you devoured your learning, or you watched some students doing the same? What were the conditions, the rules of engagement? Learning should be yum! don’t you think?


Unknown succulent

Word of the Day is: ‘foray’, go on, you know you want to…



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