maybe it’s not as bad as it seems [#blogjune post #25]

Post #25 – where we think about looking on the bright side

Often when facing difficultly, I find it useful to think about what would be the worst thing that could happen. All seems lost and there doesn’t seem to be anything I can do to remedy the situation. It’s a bit like being in a barbed wire canoe without a paddle – we might be sitting in the boat, but it’s painful and we’re on the bottom of the river, not going anywhere. But, we can swim! Let’s leave the canoe where it is and think about getting to dry land and having a think about what we were trying to do with that canoe. Sometimes a learning activity can sink as well – it didn’t get students to where you wanted them to be…

The barbed wire canoe was obviously not fit for the purpose we intended – it’s more suited as an art gallery exhibition piece. I guess we were aware there was some risk involved and we’ve learnt from the experience. So, what to do? It’s back to the drawing board to design a different canoe I guess. Rather than barbed wire, we need to find some other material to build with – what sort of resources are available and appropriate? Thinking more about the purpose and ensuring things like good design, being waterproof and the right paddle will be important. Maybe a sea trial is a good idea too – test the design before asking people to come along for a ride…

Are you willing to abandon your (learning design) ship and rebuild your canoe?

Barbed wire Canoe

Barbed wire canoe

Word of the Day is, ‘peckish’ – somewhat hungry…


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