getting those first words down…

This post started as a blank page that I kept looking at, wondering whatever I was gong to scribble on it so that it wouldn’t be blank anymore.

Waiting for inspiration didn’t work – too many dumb ideas and in no way, clever enough. The dictionary Word of the Day didn’t do it for me either: ‘braggart’ – couldn’t think of what to do with that.

So why signup for this #blogjune thing and start writing in this space again after neglecting it for nearly two years? The invitation from @flexnib, a rush of blood, a recognition that I should be writing regularly, or a need to start collecting my thoughts about a topic I’m interested in? Who knows, let’s see where it goes… I guess there’s always enough going on in my head to be able to turn some of it into text – I guess that a good part of the thinking process – getting it down on paper into a form that articulates an idea or two. 


The challenge to write every day for a month has been accepted, and I’m interested in seeing what the outcome is. Hopefully there will be something that evokes a response, so looking forward to comments.

Just in case the writing doesn’t work, I’ve decided to post a photo of something I’ve seen each day as well. 

PS. playing with the Word of the Day might have worked if I had spent some more time thinking about it…


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